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wasting disease,hiv中文是什么意思

"wasting disease,hiv"怎么读


  • 《英文msh词典》Wasting Disease,HIV
  • [同义词] Wasting Disease,HIV
  • [主题词] HIV Wasting Syndrome
  • [中文释义] 消耗病,HIV
  • [英文释义] Involuntary weight loss of greater than 10 percent associated with intermittent or constant fever and chronic diarrhea or fatigue for more than 30 days in the absence of a defined cause other than HIV infection. A constant feature is major muscle wasting with scattered myofiber degeneration. A variety of etiologies,which vary among patients,contributes to this syndrome. (From Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine,13th ed,p1611).
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